Artist Album Track Label Year Time
Disen Gage …The Reverse May Be True Landing (incl. “Mamushka”) R.A.I.G. 2008 8:31
Finnegans Wake 4th Back On Carbon 7 2004 9:31
Tenk Van Dool and Paul Sears Aperiodic Grok Complacency Catastrophe Self Release 2024 4:25
Breznev Fun Club Il Misantropo Felice After The Last Silence AltrOck 2015 11:44
JTD Collective Tales from Dance (Live Session) Merzouga Self Release 2024 5:13
Tim Hecker Ravedeath, 1972 Hatred of Music I Kranky 2011 6:11
Glenn Branca The Ascension: The Sequel Quadratonic Systems Neutralizers 2010 7:20
Dawn Of Midi Dysnomia Sinope Thirsty Ear 2013 6:53
Finnegans Wake 4th Moondogging Carbon 7 2004 11:36
Tenk Van Dool and Paul Sears Aperiodic Grok The Royal Court and the Dirt Beneath Self Release 2024 5:00
Breznev Fun Club Il Misantropo Felice Putamen AltrOck 2015 7:26
JTD Collective Tales from Dance (Live Session) Fluid Self Release 2024 7:19
Don Caballero What Burns Never Returns Don Caballero 3 Touch & Go 1998 9:42
Eighth Blackbird Meanwhile Catch, Op. 4 Cedille 2012 9:48
Deadly Orgone Radiation Power Trips Time Funeral (Bury The Hero) Copepod 2015 6:01
Finnegans Wake 4th Fata Morgana Carbon 7 2004 12:36
Happy Family Minimal Gods Feu De Joie Cuneiform 2014 6:51
Breznev Fun Club Il Misantropo Felice Sperduto Nella Camera Isterica AltrOck 2015 8:12
Infantephant Cyclelicoptippopacalypse Flufafel Self Release 2013 6:06