As the name implies, the show, “Prog-Scure: Obscure Bands on the Prog-Rock Scene (Past & Present),” focuses on artists that either time has forgotten or current artists who still remain shamefully undiscovered or ignored by the masses. Additionally, Zap may also play lesser-known tracks—”B” sides, rarities, bonus songs—from popular bands on the Prog-Rock scene, or Prog-Rock music released by artists not even normally associated with the genre itself.


Prog-Scure Special: Fave Showcase #17

A special episode where I showcase my favorite bands in extended sets. In this episode, hear After Forever, Ice Age, John Waite, Pink Floyd, Saga, Witchwood.

Do you enjoy Prog-Scure? If so, perhaps you might consider helping me to keep this show afloat by contributing a few dollars at Any donations very much appreciated.

Prog-Scure: Show #177, April 08, 2020

Featuring music from Anasazi, Big Picture, Coalition, Dream The Electric Sleep, Hillward, Isaiah, Juke, Kaputter Hamster, La Maschera di Cera, Lord Divine, Metro Society, Orange Clocks, Poobah, Recordando o Vale das Maçãs, Sagrado Coração da Terra, and Weidorje, plus...

Prog-Scure: Show #176, April 04, 2020

Featuring music from Amish, Aragon, Bob Catley, Coeur Magique, Diamond Head, Evership, A Foot In Coldwater, Il Giardino Onirico, John West, Mancunian Candidate, Metamorphosis, Puppet Show, Samuel Prody, The Tea Club, Tony Harnell, Wild Turkey, plus "Spotlight Sets"...

Prog-Scure: Show #175, April 01, 2020

Featuring music from Adventure, Altesia, Blame Zeus, Earth & Fire, Edith, Ford Theatre, Glass Kites, Heart, Lucifer Was, The Master's Apprentices, Mysticity, Rendezvous Point, Soma, Treasure Land, Xang, Zoldar & Clark, plus "Spotlight Sets" devoted to Cherry...

Prog-Scure: Show #174, March 28, 2020

Featuring music from 7hy, Action, Axon-Neuron, C-Sides, Floating Opera, Griot, Jono, Kharma, Lost Tales, Multi-Story, Paladin, Pugh's Place, Quantum Fantay, Space Odyssey, Sway, Taste, and US, plus "Spotlight Sets" devoted to Bodkin and IQ. Do you enjoy Prog-Scure?...

Prog-Scure: Show #173, March 25, 2020

Featuring music from Aperco, Bader Nana, Canvas, Castanarc, Duty Free Area, Elephants of Scotland, Galadriel, ICU, Jump (CA), Lattemiele 2.0, Manigance, Moto Perpétuo, Procol Harum, Sons Of Angels, Stargate, and Telepath, plus "Spotlight Sets" devoted to Argent and...

Prog-Scure: Show #172, March 21, 2020

Featuring music from Aeon Zen, Arcade Messiah, Astra (US), The Broken Bridges, Euphoria, Fright Pig, Germinale, Help, Mars Hollow, Neronia, Pookah, Rayuela, Saga (NL), Slaughter, and Ten Jinn, plus "Spotlight Sets" devoted to D'Accord and Kaos Moon. Do you enjoy...

Prog-Scure: Show #171, March 18, 2020

Featuring music from 25 Yard Screamer, Ad Maiora, Ancient Veil, Bonfire (NL), Elder Kindred, The Frost (MI), Glencoe, Haystacks Balboa, Iamthemorning, Listening, Madison Dyke, Magic Pie, Proto-Kaw, Synaesthesia, To-Mera, and Winterstrain, plus "Spotlight Sets" devoted...

Prog-Scure: Show #170, February 29, 2020

Featuring music from Anti-Depressive Delivery, Aura, Barbarella, Chasing The Monsoon, Dec Burke, Fantasy (FL), Gygafo, Haze (DE), The Illusion, Lemur Voice, Mirkwood, Not Otherwise Specified, Phoenix Again, Red Jasper, and Stewart Bell, plus "Spotlight Sets" devoted...

Prog-Scure: Show #169, February 26, 2020

Featuring music from Abacus, Ashby, Chris Braun Band, The Damnation of Adam Blessing, Excalion, Forever Twelve, Hubi Meisel, Karfagen, Mayadome, Medusa (NY), Nova (UK), Presto Ballet, Release Music Orchestra, Som Nosso de Cada Dia, Ticket, and Yoso, plus "Spotlight...