As the name implies, the show, “Prog-Scure: Obscure Bands on the Prog-Rock Scene (Past & Present),” focuses on artists that either time has forgotten or current artists who still remain shamefully undiscovered or ignored by the masses. Additionally, Zap may also play lesser-known tracks—”B” sides, rarities, bonus songs—from popular bands on the Prog-Rock scene, or Prog-Rock music released by artists not even normally associated with the genre itself.


Prog-Scure Special: One Half Is Better Than None #72

Another special episode where I play one half (one full side) of outstanding and influential albums, regardless of sub-genre. In this episode, hear Avion (AU), Bighorn, Helix (CA), Jade Warrior, Live, Ozzy Osbourne, Phantom Blue, Redhouse (AU), Symphonic Slam, Yezda Urfa

Do you enjoy Prog-Scure? If so, perhaps you might consider helping me to keep this show afloat by contributing a few dollars at Any donations very much appreciated.

Prog-Scure: Show #100, March 13, 2019

A special extended episode to celebrate Episode #100, featuring music from After Forever, Ambrosia, Animator, Armageddon, Birth Control, Bloodrock, David Shankle Group (DSG), Grace, Gravy Train, Grobschnitt, It Bites, Legend, Lucifer's Friend, Magenta, Max Webster,...

Prog-Scure: Show #99, March 09, 2019

Featuring music from Aviator, Beckett, Brazen Abbot, Cirkus (UK), Every Which Way, From.Uz, Glasswing, Golden Caves, Hookfoot, In Progress, Jet Black Sea, Liquid Wolf, Methexis, Nemrud, Orange Peel, Orion Dust, Poire, Schnauser, Stud, Telegraph, Valenor, and Waterloo....

Prog-Scure: Show #98, March 06, 2019

Featuring music from Axel Rudi Pell, Banchee, Boulevard, The Chant, Conundrum In Deed, Duke 72, Ephemeral Sun, Gletscher, Hair, Hiperborea, Joe Bailey, Keats, Light, Lo-Fi Resistance, Mogul Thrash, Ocean Machine, Patchwork Cacophony, Purple Overdose, Rare Earth,...

Prog-Scure: Show #97, March 02, 2019

Featuring music from Annexus Quam, Blackmore's Night, Collegium Musicum, Doomstress, Fergie Frederiksen, Glass Mind, Hard Meat, Il Bacio Della Medusa, Kerrs Pink, MacArthur, Martin Orford, Nosferatu, Persona Grata, Pre, Role Of The Observer, Shiva, Sonic Pulsar,...

Prog-Scure: Show #96, February 27, 2019

Featuring music from Ame Son, Barracuda Triangle, Blind Faith, Child, Coexistence, Delusion Squared, Entransient, Galasphere 347, Hurdy Gurdy, In Nomine, La Mosca, Mindspeak, Mott The Hoople, Plus, Richard Andersson, Sandcastle, Sindelfingen, Strings 24, Tacoma...

Prog-Scure: Show #95, February 23, 2019

A special extended "birthday" episode, featuring music from Andwella, Ashbury, Bethlehem Asylum, Brieg Guerveno, Christina Booth, Coma Rossi, Dilemma, Foolsbane, Ghost Community, Houston, In Continuum, Kalevala, Life (UK), Magenta, Mind Sky, Moxy, Nine Stones Close,...

Prog-Scure: Show #94, February 20, 2019

Featuring music from Arcadium, Beck Bogert & Appice, Bruford, Clouds, Coogans Bluff, For The Oracle, Fuseboxx, Gotthard, Here On Earth, Laurelie, LifeStream, Marching Mind, Mother Turtle, Novac, Onysus, Qantum, Samuel Hallkvist, Spys, Switch Opens, Thinking...

Prog-Scure: Show #93, February 16, 2019

Featuring music from Astral Son, Blackbirds, Cruciferius, David Byron, Elephant Tree, Ghost Medicine, Hedersleben, Horse, Invaders, Jack Potter, Legs Diamond, Marble House, Nite People, Outer Limits, Pandora, Process of Illumination, Roadmaster, Shadowfax, Spacegoat,...

Prog-Scure: Show #92, February 13, 2019

Featuring music from Akphaezya, Atavismo, Bad Salad, Brainticket, Cargo, Det Skandalose Orkester, Frontal Cortex, Grail, Hounds, The Inner Road, Laviantica, Mary Butterworth, Murphy Blend, Overworld Dreams, Pan, Poem, Sammal, Skin Alley, Streets, TDW (Tom de Wit),...