Metal Mischief
While the coin of the realm on this show is progressive metal, it wouldn’t be mischief without a little “breakin the law”! So expect various subgenres of metal that are adjacent (or maybe not so adjacent) to prog, including power, symphonic, doom/stoner, gothic, and others. DJ Scott Loki is known to shapeshift at a moment’s notice, so put your metal horns up, and prepare for an impishly delightful two-hour ride into a metal maelstrom.
Celebrating Spring Equinox (and St. Patrick’s🍀): this week, DJ Loki teams with Nickie Harte Kelly for a show pairing light and dark tunes, with all kinds of folk, psych, goth, and other influences mixed in with metal🤘😎
Absolutely 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐜! This week, DJ Loki plays only ten-plus minute tracks by some of the giants of prog/metal from the last decade, including a song from the new Ghost Of The Machine album!
This week, DJ Loki brings on the sludge! Two hours of the best doom/stoner/fuzzy/psychedelic tunes for your ears🤘😎
Time to listen to what’s been happening recently in the metal world! DJ Loki spins two hours of new releases on this week’s show🤘😎
On this week’s show, Hal Dunn of Siren helps DJ Loki dive into 70s hard rock and proto-metal, picking both familiar and more obscure tunes for your musical enjoyment🤘😎
This week, DJ Loki once again hosts a power pop-alooza, spanning six decades of the genre! Get ready for a perfect blend of light 😁and heavy music 💪😎
DJ Loki returns with an all-instrumental (and heavily guitar-oriented) show this week!🎸Special nods to my fellow presenters Dave Ratisher, Mark Burnell, and Ian Carss for letting me poach bits of their musical tastes🤘😎
DJ Loki gets back to basics: this week, it’s all progressive and power metal, no song under five minutes! 🤘😎
Do you enjoy bagpipes, fiddles, AND electric guitars? DJ Loki will have you dancing a jig to plenty of Celtic, Norse, Viking, and folk metal this week!🤘😎